万字图 第1页 dream 4d number - 第1页

父亲去世,爸爸过世 father passed away
父亲去世father passed away
警察贪污 corrupted policeman
警察贪污corrupted policeman
蛇打架 snakes fighting
蛇打架snakes fighting
西方妓女 european prostitute
西方妓女european prostitute
电子沙煲 slowcooker
蛋糕机,蛋糕搅拌机,打蛋器 cake mixer
蛋糕机cake mixer
打沙包 punching sand bag
打沙包punching sand bag
铁头,铁头功 strong head
铁头strong head
採莲 lotus flower,lotus picking
採莲lotus flower
印尼少女 indonesian girl
印尼少女indonesian girl
一尸两命 pregnant woman dies
一尸两命pregnant woman dies
卫生官贪污 corrupted health officer
卫生官贪污corrupted health officer
丈夫夜归,老公夜回家 husband reaches home late
丈夫夜归husband reaches home late
女同性恋 lesbian
遇色狼,被非礼,调戏 sexual pervert
遇色狼sexual pervert
单恋 unrequited love
单恋unrequited love
头生疮 sore on head
头生疮sore on head
屁股生疮 sore on buttocks
屁股生疮sore on buttocks
手指断了 severed finger
手指断了severed finger
牛死去 dead cow
牛死去dead cow
癌症药 cancer medicine
癌症药cancer medicine
小孩没顶,儿童溺水身亡 drowned child
小孩没顶drowned child
美女嫁丑男,美女与野兽 beauty and ugly man
美女嫁丑男beauty and ugly man
高山失足 falling from a mountain
高山失足falling from a mountain
破头,断头,无头尸 headless body
破头headless body
骑师跌倒 jockey fell down
骑师跌倒jockey fell down
鞋跟断了 broken shoes heel
鞋跟断了broken shoes heel
口歪了 twisted mouth
口歪了twisted mouth
红色太阳 red colour sun
红色太阳red colour sun
死燕子 dead swallow
死燕子dead swallow
猫叫春 cats mating
猫叫春cats mating
护士骂人 nurse scolding people
护士骂人nurse scolding people
火烧塔 pagoda on fire
火烧塔pagoda on fire
丈夫死了 husband died
丈夫死了husband died
海龟生蛋 sea turtle laying eggs
海龟生蛋sea turtle laying eggs
医生骂人 doctor scolding people
医生骂人doctor scolding people
树压车 car crushed by tree
树压车car crushed by tree
蛇吃兔 snake strangled a rabbit
蛇吃兔snake strangled a rabbit
老虎吃羊 tiger hunts goat
老虎吃羊tiger hunts goat
跌进沟渠 man fell into a drain
跌进沟渠man fell into a drain
生吞老鼠 man swallows rat
生吞老鼠man swallows rat
大腿生疮 sore on thigh
大腿生疮sore on thigh
母鸡站牛背 hen sitting on cow
母鸡站牛背hen sitting on cow
金刚,大猩猩 king kong,gorilla
金刚king kong
风筝断线 broken kite string
风筝断线broken kite string
性无能 impotence
警探受伤 injured policeman
警探受伤injured policeman
汤姆斯杯 thomas cup
汤姆斯杯thomas cup
英国旗 british flag
英国旗british flag
矮丈夫,老公矮 short husband
矮丈夫short husband

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

26/03/2025 Wednesday


29/03/2025 Saturday


30/03/2025 Sunday


02/04/2025 Wednesday


05/04/2025 Saturday
