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大伯公 tua pek kong temple
大伯公tua pek kong temple
大伯公 duo-pek-kong
大伯公诞 birthday of the local god
大伯公诞birthday of the local god
大伯 elder uncle
大伯elder uncle
观音菩萨 guanyin,goddess of Mercy
观音菩萨guanyin,goddess of Mercy
跳乩,通灵,神明上身,乩童 psychic,shaman
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜 burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
暹罗庙,泰庙 thai temple
暹罗庙,泰庙thai temple
新村 new village
新村new village
姜子牙,姜太公 jiang ziya,Jiang shang
姜子牙,姜太公jiang ziya,Jiang shang
拿督公 na tuk kong,dato,datuk
拿督公na tuk kong,dato,datuk
点秋香,唐伯虎点秋香 flirting scholar
点秋香,唐伯虎点秋香flirting scholar
拜神,拜神祈福 pray to god
拜神,拜神祈福pray to god
情书,情信 love letter
情书,情信love letter
伯乐 talent scout
伯乐talent scout
雄伯劳 male shrike
雄伯劳male shrike
拜香,上香,烧香 burn incense
拜香,上香,烧香burn incense
演戏,戏剧,节目 acting,drama,show,play the role
演戏,戏剧,节目acting,drama,show,play the role
公关公司 pr agency
公关公司pr agency
哭墓 cry in front grave
哭墓cry in front grave
观音菩萨 guanyin,goddess of Mercy
观音菩萨guanyin,goddess of Mercy
山伯英台,梁山伯与祝英台 the butterfly lovers
山伯英台,梁山伯与祝英台the butterfly lovers
尤伯杯冠军 uber cup champion
尤伯杯冠军uber cup champion
公益 public welfare
公益public welfare
土地公 earth god
土地公earth god
塔,宝塔,佛骨堂 pagoda
办公桌 bureau

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

23/02/2025 Sunday


26/02/2025 Wednesday


01/03/2025 Saturday


02/03/2025 Sunday


05/03/2025 Wednesday
