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特务 secret agent
特务secret agent
伴游 social escort
伴游social escort
玩烟花 play with fireworks
玩烟花play with fireworks
寿包 longevity bun
寿包longevity bun
取消资格 disqualified
承包商 contractor
商人 merchant
模特儿 female model
模特儿female model
专业资格 professional qualification
专业资格professional qualification
红包 ang pow
红包ang pow
资料管理员 archivist
业余模特儿 amateur model
业余模特儿amateur model
给红包 giving ang pow
给红包giving ang pow
看门人 entrance guard
看门人entrance guard
模拟旅游 virtual tour
模拟旅游virtual tour
商业前景看俏 business optimistic
商业前景看俏business optimistic
大光灯网心,汽灯灯芯 gas lamp wick
大光灯网心,汽灯灯芯gas lamp wick
点大光灯,点燃汽灯 light the gas lamp
点大光灯,点燃汽灯light the gas lamp
给红包 give ang pow
给红包give ang pow
新网络服务 new lte services
新网络服务new lte services
修补渔网 repair fishing net
修补渔网repair fishing net
游戏开发商 games developer
游戏开发商games developer
大光灯,汽灯,煤油汽灯 pressure kerosene lantern,gas lamp
大光灯,汽灯,煤油汽灯pressure kerosene lantern,gas lamp
索取红包 ask for angpow
索取红包ask for angpow
模型人偶 action figures
模型人偶action figures
价格管制物品 controlled price items
价格管制物品controlled price items
网络爆红 internet sensation
网络爆红internet sensation
纸袋,购物袋 paper bag,shopping bag
纸袋,购物袋paper bag,shopping bag
晒渔网 drying fishing net
晒渔网drying fishing net
商 ancient commercial ship
ancient commercial ship
接生婆,助產婆 midwife
女人皮包 handbag
油灯 oil lamp,
油灯oil lamp,
浪迎舞,弄迎舞,马来传统舞 joget dance,ronggeng dance
浪迎舞,弄迎舞,马来传统舞joget dance,ronggeng dance
富翁,富豪 rich person
富翁,富豪rich person
卖东西 selling things
卖东西selling things
光 bright light
bright light
卖面包 selling bread
卖面包selling bread

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

04/05/2024 Saturday


05/05/2024 Sunday


08/05/2024 Wednesday


11/05/2024 Saturday


12/05/2024 Sunday
