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拜金 worship money
拜金worship money
拜神婆 praying women
拜神婆praying women
拜神,拜神祈福 pray to god
拜神,拜神祈福pray to god
谢神,酬神 thank to god
谢神,酬神thank to god
礼拜堂 house of worship
礼拜堂house of worship
拜天公 worshipping the lord of heaven
拜天公worshipping the lord of heaven
拜寿 offer birthday felicitations
拜寿offer birthday felicitations
香炉 censer,incense burner
香炉censer,incense burner
拜香,上香,烧香 burn incense
拜香,上香,烧香burn incense
做礼拜 go to church,worship,religious service
做礼拜go to church,worship,religious service
华人会馆 chinese club
华人会馆chinese club
大伯公 tua pek kong temple
大伯公tua pek kong temple
拜拿督公,拜土地公 praying to na tuk kong
拜拿督公,拜土地公praying to na tuk kong
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜 burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
观音菩萨 guanyin,goddess of Mercy
观音菩萨guanyin,goddess of Mercy
拿督公 na tuk kong,dato,datuk
拿督公na tuk kong,dato,datuk
神父,牧师 priest,father
雅魔祭拜 offering to god
雅魔祭拜offering to god
暹罗庙,泰庙 thai temple
暹罗庙,泰庙thai temple
塔,宝塔,佛骨堂 pagoda
金纸,纸钱,银纸,冥紙 paper money
金纸,纸钱,银纸,冥紙paper money
红烛,红蜡烛 red candle
红烛,红蜡烛red candle
巫人拜神,马来人祈祷 muslim praying
巫人拜神,马来人祈祷muslim praying
念经,诵经,念诵经文 recite or chant scriptures
念经,诵经,念诵经文recite or chant scriptures
新村 new village
新村new village
筷筒,筷子占卜 fortune stick
筷筒,筷子占卜fortune stick
跳乩,通灵,神明上身,乩童 psychic,shaman
抱孙子 carry grandchildren,carry grandson
抱孙子carry grandchildren,carry grandson
卜卦 divination
谢愿,还愿 votive,redeem vow to god
谢愿,还愿votive,redeem vow to god
折银纸,折金纸,折冥钞,折纸钱 fold papar money
折银纸,折金纸,折冥钞,折纸钱fold papar money
蛋糕,鸡蛋糕,糕点 cake,bahulu
毛扫 feather brush
毛扫feather brush
扫墓,清明 sweep grave
扫墓,清明sweep grave
送礼,送礼物 give present,send gifts
送礼,送礼物give present,send gifts
老人,老人走路 old people, old people walking
老人,老人走路old people, old people walking

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

01/02/2025 Saturday


02/02/2025 Sunday


04/02/2025 Tuesday


05/02/2025 Wednesday
