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卖膏药 sell plaster
卖膏药sell plaster
安鱼 angler fish
安鱼angler fish
安尼安尼 yam dessert
安尼安尼yam dessert
外快 extra income
外快extra income
安全带 safety belt
安全带safety belt
天安门 tiananmen square
天安门tiananmen square
安乐椅 lounge chair
安乐椅lounge chair
安眠药 sleeping pills
安眠药sleeping pills
安眠药 sleeping pill
安眠药sleeping pill
卖东西 selling things
卖东西selling things
快速发展 rapid expansion
快速发展rapid expansion
随遇而安 adaptable to change
随遇而安adaptable to change
安乐窝 comfort zone
安乐窝comfort zone
快捷酒店 inn
去安顺 travel to teluk intan
去安顺travel to teluk intan
平安夜 christmas eve
平安夜christmas eve
安全委员会 securities commission
安全委员会securities commission
印第安部落 indian tribes
印第安部落indian tribes
人才外流 brain drain
人才外流brain drain
加长保安 tighten security
加长保安tighten security
安全措施 safety measures
安全措施safety measures
情绪安抚 calm emotions
情绪安抚calm emotions
居安思危 be prepared
居安思危be prepared
没绑安全带 not fastening seat belt
没绑安全带not fastening seat belt
安全气囊 safety air bag
安全气囊safety air bag
杂货店 grocery store
杂货店grocery store
去安吊远 travel to setiawan
去安吊远travel to setiawan
没带安全帽 not wearing helmet
没带安全帽not wearing helmet
泰 thailand god
thailand god
喝啤酒 drink beer
喝啤酒drink beer
手表,腕表 wristwatch,watch
四季平安菜 four seasons cold dish
四季平安菜four seasons cold dish
解开安全带 unfastened seat belt
解开安全带unfastened seat belt
万金油,萬用药膏,虎标万金油 tiger balm
万金油,萬用药膏,虎标万金油tiger balm
银行保安系统 bank security system
银行保安系统bank security system

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

04/05/2024 Saturday


05/05/2024 Sunday


08/05/2024 Wednesday


11/05/2024 Saturday


12/05/2024 Sunday
