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神童 whiz-kid
大伯公 tua pek kong temple
大伯公tua pek kong temple
拿督公 na tuk kong,dato,datuk
拿督公na tuk kong,dato,datuk
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜 burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
上庙烧金纸,去庙拜拜burn paper moneny in temple,pray in temple
跳童 temple medium
跳童temple medium
谢愿,还愿 votive,redeem vow to god
谢愿,还愿votive,redeem vow to god
鬼哭,鬼 ghost crying,ghost
鬼哭,鬼ghost crying,ghost
神 almighty god
almighty god
童颜 baby face
童颜baby face
神龛,神社 shrine
谢神,酬神 thank to god
谢神,酬神thank to god
返老还童 rejuvenate
跳乩,通灵,神明上身,乩童 psychic,shaman
天神 home shrine
天神home shrine
神箭 magical arrow
神箭magical arrow
道士 taoist priest
道士taoist priest
童星 child star
童星child star
童装 children's clothing
童装children's clothing
童婚 child marriage
童婚child marriage
求神 praying
红烛,红蜡烛 red candle
红烛,红蜡烛red candle
童装 children clothing
童装children clothing
还神 offering prayers
还神offering prayers
契神 devoting to god
契神devoting to god
海神 poseidon
寺庙,庙,神庙 temple
儿童节 children's day
儿童节children's day
儿童节 children's day
儿童节children's day
按神 in a trance
按神in a trance
做礼拜 go to church,worship,religious service
做礼拜go to church,worship,religious service
神毡 flying carpet
神毡flying carpet