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虾蟹,螃蟹,虾 prawn and crab
虾蟹,螃蟹,虾prawn and crab
印尼少女 indonesian girl
印尼少女indonesian girl
手指断了 severed finger
手指断了severed finger
美女嫁丑男,美女与野兽 beauty and ugly man
美女嫁丑男,美女与野兽beauty and ugly man
口歪了 twisted mouth
口歪了twisted mouth
吃醋,妒忌 jealous
丈夫死了 husband died
丈夫死了husband died
海龟生蛋 sea turtle laying eggs
海龟生蛋sea turtle laying eggs
医生骂人 doctor scolding people
医生骂人doctor scolding people
蛇吃兔 snake strangled a rabbit
蛇吃兔snake strangled a rabbit
大腿生疮 sore on thigh
大腿生疮sore on thigh
金刚,大猩猩 king kong,gorilla
金刚,大猩猩king kong,gorilla
性无能 impotence
雄狮,狮子 lion
中药 chinese medicine,traditional chinese medicine
中药chinese medicine,traditional chinese medicine
无影人,隐形人 invisible person
无影人,隐形人invisible person
中国国旗 china national day
中国国旗china national day
商展 trade exhibition
商展trade exhibition
非法持枪 gun without permit
非法持枪gun without permit
被日军灌水,被日本兵折磨 tortured by japanese soldier
被日军灌水,被日本兵折磨tortured by japanese soldier
断血根,断血脉 blood vessel burst
断血根,断血脉blood vessel burst
发梦见面 meeting in a dream
发梦见面meeting in a dream
检阅,守卫检查 guard inspection,examination
检阅,守卫检查guard inspection,examination
喜鹊 pica pica
喜鹊pica pica
虎骨酒 chinese herb wine
虎骨酒chinese herb wine
水喉坏了 water pipe leaking
水喉坏了water pipe leaking
总统被杀 murder of president
总统被杀murder of president
修理脚车 bicycle repair
修理脚车bicycle repair
日本旗 japanese flag
日本旗japanese flag
打烂瓦煲 broken claypot
打烂瓦煲broken claypot
国防部长 minister of defence
国防部长minister of defence
良马,马 horse
踩到牛屎 stepped on cow dung
踩到牛屎stepped on cow dung
竹开花 bamboo blooming
竹开花bamboo blooming
碰到蝴蝶 butterfly
肉干 dried meat
肉干dried meat
投票站 polling station
投票站polling station
老鹰抓小鸡 eagle hunting
老鹰抓小鸡eagle hunting

4D/3D+1/5D/6D/Lotto Next Draw Date

26/03/2025 Wednesday


29/03/2025 Saturday


30/03/2025 Sunday


02/04/2025 Wednesday


05/04/2025 Saturday
